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Cookmi is a recipe app designed to help the user to smarten his home economics. 


The user can enter personal data of his preferences as well as scan the products in his kitchen. Based on this information Cookmi matches recipes, from which the user can then choose. Products scanned to the list will appear with vital information such as expiry dates, and can be filtered in advance to better find the right recipe. 


In that way, the user is able to better manage his grocery shopping, maintain a healthy routine and save money.


I started having conversations with people that are usually struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle due to a busy time schedule, trying to get insights about the home economics they are running.

Using this data I've created a user journey of the steps involved in a dinner planning and exposed the user pain points.


I also started defying the users I'll be designing for, using different personas with different needs and expectations.  

persona of Aviv, potential client.

User flow

Maintaining the app flow easy and focused on the user's main pain points, I drew the structure of the screens I would want to create.


Defying the problem

The task of maintaining smart and healthy home economics requires time and continuous planning. Using this app can make this important task easier and possible.


Low-fi wireframes are easy and quick to create, therefore I can try different ideas, flows, and screens, without the limitation technology.  


Design Decisions

Cookmi is an app matching hungry stomachs, half-empty kitchens, and good recipes. For inspiration, I've searched for vintage food cans labels and "motherly" recipe books. Later on, I started drawing some ideas and defined the main colors and design guidelines of the app.

creative mood board

Final Design 

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